Lubavitch Junior Girls School


In 2022-2023, Lubavitch Boys’ and Girls’ Junior schools Year 1 classes were involved in Launchpad for Language programme. Launchpad for Language is a language enrichment programme supporting all children to reach their communication potential.

Communication skills are a fundamental building block for life. Good speech and language skills help children to build a strong foundation for success in school.

Boosting children’s language skills at an early age can help with subjects such as literacy and numeracy, as well as other important aspects of school life such as making friends and understanding rules and routines.

In 2023-2024, Launchpad is expanding to include Year 1 and Reception classes. Speak to your class teacher to find out more information. Look out for parent workshop sessions that will be planned throughout the year.

To find out more about Launchpad for Language please visit our website

 Launchpad for Language in Early Years Settings - Get Hackney Talking

A strong performance by Year 1 pupils in both the girls and boys primary schools, participating in the Launchpad programme last year, provided a wonderful opportunity to focus on strengthening language and communication skills.

At the beginning of the school year all Year 1 pupils were screened using the WellComm system, with a high percentage in both boys and girls school scoring below the required green level. Clare Burns, our Speech and Language therapist delivered exciting whole class sessions and staff were trained to deliver additional twice weekly sessions to boost vocabulary and communication skills. With much hard work by all involved both schools succeeded in attaining the Launchpad accreditation.

Parents also played an important part by attending two online evening workshops both delivered by Clare, one on supporting your child’s education and a subsequent one on  “Understanding your child’s behaviour”. These were very well received with much positive feedback.

We are extremely grateful to our teachers and support staff in year 1 for working in tandem with Clare to radically improve communication and language skills in this year group.

For this academic year Launchpad for Language will be delivered to both reception and Year 1 giving our pupils an even stronger launch with their literacy skills.